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Cell-Cell communication



Hierarchicell: estimating power for tests of differential expression with single-cell data
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Power analyses are considered important factors in designing high-quality experiments. However, such analyses remain a challenge in single-cell RNA-seq studies due to the presence of hierarchical structure within the data (Zimmerman et al., 2021). As cells sampled from the same individual share genetic and environmental backgrounds, these cells are more correlated than cells sampled from different individuals. Currently, most power analyses and hypothesis tests (e.g., differential expression) in scRNA-seq data treat cells as if they were independent, thus ignoring the intra-sample correlation, which could lead to incorrect inferences. Hierarchicell (Zimmerman, K.D. and Langefeld, C.D., 2021) is an R package proposed to estimate power for testing hypotheses of differential expression in scRNA-seq data while considering the hierarchical correlation structure that exists in the data. The method offers four important categories of functions: data loading and cleaning, empirical estimation of distributions, simulating expression data, and computing type 1 error or power. In this notebook, we will illustrate an example workflow of Hierarchicell. The notebook is inspired by Hierarchicell's vignette and modified to demonstrate how the tool works on BioTuring's platform.
SPARK-X: non-parametric modeling enables scalable and robust detection of spatial expression patterns for large spatial transcriptomic studies
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Spatial transcriptomic studies are becoming increasingly common and large, posing important statistical and computational challenges for many analytic tasks. Here, we present SPARK-X, a non-parametric method for rapid and effective detection of spatially expressed genes in large spatial transcriptomic studies. SPARK-X not only produces effective type I error control and high power but also brings orders of magnitude computational savings. We apply SPARK-X to analyze three large datasets, one of which is only analyzable by SPARK-X. In these data, SPARK-X identifies many spatially expressed genes including those that are spatially expressed within the same cell type, revealing new biological insights.
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Spatially informed cell-type deconvolution for spatial transcriptomics - CARD
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Many spatially resolved transcriptomic technologies do not have single-cell resolution but measure the average gene expression for each spot from a mixture of cells of potentially heterogeneous cell types. Here, we introduce a deconvolution method, conditional autoregressive-based deconvolution (CARD), that combines cell-type-specific expression information from single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) with correlation in cell-type composition across tissue locations. Modeling spatial correlation allows us to borrow the cell-type composition information across locations, improving accuracy of deconvolution even with a mismatched scRNA-seq reference. **CARD** can also impute cell-type compositions and gene expression levels at unmeasured tissue locations to enable the construction of a refined spatial tissue map with a resolution arbitrarily higher than that measured in the original study and can perform deconvolution without an scRNA-seq reference. Applications to four datasets, including a pancreatic cancer dataset, identified multiple cell types and molecular markers with distinct spatial localization that define the progression, heterogeneity and compartmentalization of pancreatic cancer.
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Monocle3 - An analysis toolkit for single-cell RNA-seq
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Build single-cell trajectories with the software that introduced **pseudotime**. Find out about cell fate decisions and the genes regulated as they're made. Group and classify your cells based on gene expression. Identify new cell types and states and the genes that distinguish them. Find genes that vary between cell types and states, over trajectories, or in response to perturbations using statistically robust, flexible differential analysis. In development, disease, and throughout life, cells transition from one state to another. Monocle introduced the concept of **pseudotime**, which is a measure of how far a cell has moved through biological progress. Many researchers are using single-cell RNA-Seq to discover new cell types. Monocle 3 can help you purify them or characterize them further by identifying key marker genes that you can use in follow-up experiments such as immunofluorescence or flow sorting. **Single-cell trajectory analysis** shows how cells choose between one of several possible end states. The new reconstruction algorithms introduced in Monocle 3 can robustly reveal branching trajectories, along with the genes that cells use to navigate these decisions.


ADImpute: Adaptive Dropout Imputer


Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) protocols often face challenges in measuring the expression of all genes within a cell due to various factors, such as technical noise, the sensitivity of scRNA-seq techniques, or sample quality. This limitation(More)
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