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Cell-Cell communication



PAGA: partition-based graph abstraction for trajectory analysis
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Mapping out the coarse-grained connectivity structures of complex manifolds Biological systems often change over time, as old cells die and new cells are created through differentiation from progenitor cells. This means that at any given time, not all cells will be at the same stage of development. In this sense, a single-cell sample could contain cells at different stages of differentiation. By analyzing the data, we can identify which cells are at which stages and build a model for their biological transitions. By quantifying the connectivity of partitions (groups, clusters) of the single-cell graph, partition-based graph abstraction (PAGA) generates a much simpler abstracted graph (PAGA graph) of partitions, in which edge weights represent confidence in the presence of connections. In this notebook, we will introduce the concept of single-cell Trajectory Analysis using PAGA (Partition-based graph abstraction) in the context of hematopoietic differentiation.
Inference and analysis of cell-cell communication using CellChat
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Understanding global communications among cells requires accurate representation of cell-cell signaling links and effective systems-level analyses of those links. We construct a database of interactions among ligands, receptors and their cofactors that accurately represent known heteromeric molecular complexes. We then develop **CellChat**, a tool that is able to quantitatively infer and analyze intercellular communication networks from single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. CellChat predicts major signaling inputs and outputs for cells and how those cells and signals coordinate for functions using network analysis and pattern recognition approaches. Through manifold learning and quantitative contrasts, CellChat classifies signaling pathways and delineates conserved and context-specific pathways across different datasets. Applying **CellChat** to mouse and human skin datasets shows its ability to extract complex signaling patterns.
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ADImpute: Adaptive Dropout Imputer
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Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) protocols often face challenges in measuring the expression of all genes within a cell due to various factors, such as technical noise, the sensitivity of scRNA-seq techniques, or sample quality. This limitation gives rise to a need for the prediction of unmeasured gene expression values (also known as dropout imputation) from scRNA-seq data. ADImpute (Leote A, 2023) is an R package combining several dropout imputation methods, including two existing methods (DrImpute, SAVER), two novel implementations: Network, a gene regulatory network-based approach using gene-gene relationships learned from external data, and Baseline, a method corresponding to a sample-wide average.. This notebook is to illustrate an example workflow of ADImpute on sample datasets loaded from the package. The notebook content is inspired from ADImpute's vignette and modified to demonstrate how the tool works on BioTuring's platform.
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SPARK-X: non-parametric modeling enables scalable and robust detection of spatial expression patterns for large spatial transcriptomic studies
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Spatial transcriptomic studies are becoming increasingly common and large, posing important statistical and computational challenges for many analytic tasks. Here, we present SPARK-X, a non-parametric method for rapid and effective detection of spatially expressed genes in large spatial transcriptomic studies. SPARK-X not only produces effective type I error control and high power but also brings orders of magnitude computational savings. We apply SPARK-X to analyze three large datasets, one of which is only analyzable by SPARK-X. In these data, SPARK-X identifies many spatially expressed genes including those that are spatially expressed within the same cell type, revealing new biological insights.
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Bioturing Massive-scale Analysis Solution: Running analysis for massive-scale data from Seurat dataset


This tool provides a user-friendly and automated way to analyze large-scale single-cell RNA-seq datasets stored in RDS (Seurat) format. It allows users to run various analysis tools on their data in one command, streamlining the analysis workflow and(More)
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Identifying tumor cells at the single-cell level using machine learning - inferCNV


Tumors are complex tissues of cancerous cells surrounded by a heterogeneous cellular microenvironment with which they interact. Single-cell sequencing enables molecular characterization of single cells within the tumor. However, cell annotation—the(More)
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