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Cell-Cell communication



Cell2location: Comprehensive mapping of tissue cell architecture via integrated single cell and spatial transcriptomic
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Cell2location is a principled Bayesian model that can resolve fine-grained cell types in spatial transcriptomic data and create comprehensive cellular maps of diverse tissues. Cell2location accounts for technical sources of variation and borrows statistical strength across locations, thereby enabling the integration of single cell and spatial transcriptomics with higher sensitivity and resolution than existing tools. This is achieved by estimating which combination of cell types in which cell abundance could have given the mRNA counts in the spatial data, while modelling technical effects (platform/technology effect, contaminating RNA, unexplained variance). This tutorial shows how to use cell2location method for spatially resolving fine-grained cell types by integrating 10X Visium data with scRNA-seq reference of cell types. Cell2location is a principled Bayesian model that estimates which combination of cell types in which cell abundance could have given the mRNA counts in the spatial data, while modelling technical effects (platform/technology effect, contaminating RNA, unexplained variance).
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expiMap: Biologically informed deep learning to query gene programs in single-cell atlases
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The development of large-scale single-cell atlases has allowed describing cell states in a more detailed manner. Meanwhile, current deep leanring methods enable rapid analysis of newly generated query datasets by mapping them into reference atlases. expiMap (‘explainable programmable mapper’) Lotfollahi, Mohammad, et al. is one of the methods proposed for single-cell reference mapping. Furthermore, it incorporates prior knowledge from gene sets databases or users to analyze query data in the context of known gene programs (GPs).
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Geneformer: a deep learning model for exploring gene networks
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Geneformer is a foundation transformer model pretrained on a large-scale corpus of ~30 million single cell transcriptomes to enable context-aware predictions in settings with limited data in network biology. Here, we will demonstrate a basic workflow to work with ***Geneformer*** models. These notebooks include the instruction to: 1. Prepare input datasets 2. Finetune Geneformer model to perform specific task 3. Using finetuning models for cell classification and gene classification application
PopV: the variety of cell-type transfer tools for classify cell-types
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PopV uses popular vote of a variety of cell-type transfer tools to classify cell-types in a query dataset based on a test dataset. Using this variety of algorithms, they compute the agreement between those algorithms and use this agreement to predict which cell-types have a high likelihood of the same cell-types observed in the reference.
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Hierarchicell: estimating power for tests of differential expression with single-cell data


Power analyses are considered important factors in designing high-quality experiments. However, such analyses remain a challenge in single-cell RNA-seq studies due to the presence of hierarchical structure within the data (Zimmerman et al., 2021). As(More)