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Cell-Cell communication



Reference-free cell type deconvolution of multi-cellular pixel-resolution spatially resolved transcriptomics data - stdeconvolve
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Recent technological advancements have enabled spatially resolved transcriptomic profiling but at multi-cellular pixel resolution, thereby hindering the identification of cell-type-specific spatial patterns and gene expression variation. To address this challenge, we develop STdeconvolve as a reference-free approach to deconvolve underlying cell types comprising such multi-cellular pixel resolution spatial transcriptomics (ST) datasets. Using simulated as well as real ST datasets from diverse spatial transcriptomics technologies comprising a variety of spatial resolutions such as Spatial Transcriptomics, 10X Visium, DBiT-seq, and Slide-seq, we show that STdeconvolve can effectively recover cell-type transcriptional profiles and their proportional representation within pixels without reliance on external single-cell transcriptomics references. **STdeconvolve** provides comparable performance to existing reference-based methods when suitable single-cell references are available, as well as potentially superior performance when suitable single-cell references are not available. STdeconvolve is available as an open-source R software package with the source code available at https://github.com/JEFworks-Lab/STdeconvolve .
Inference and analysis of cell-cell communication using CellChat
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Understanding global communications among cells requires accurate representation of cell-cell signaling links and effective systems-level analyses of those links. We construct a database of interactions among ligands, receptors and their cofactors that accurately represent known heteromeric molecular complexes. We then develop **CellChat**, a tool that is able to quantitatively infer and analyze intercellular communication networks from single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. CellChat predicts major signaling inputs and outputs for cells and how those cells and signals coordinate for functions using network analysis and pattern recognition approaches. Through manifold learning and quantitative contrasts, CellChat classifies signaling pathways and delineates conserved and context-specific pathways across different datasets. Applying **CellChat** to mouse and human skin datasets shows its ability to extract complex signaling patterns.
Required GPU
Harmony: fast, sensitive, and accurate integration of single cell data
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Single-cell RNA-seq datasets in diverse biological and clinical conditions provide great opportunities for the full transcriptional characterization of cell types. However, the integration of these datasets is challeging as they remain biological and techinical differences. **Harmony** is an algorithm allowing fast, sensitive and accurate single-cell data integration.
Only CPU
A workflow to analyze cell-cell communications on Visium data
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Single-cell RNA data allows cell-cell communications (***CCC***) methods to infer CCC at either the individual cell or cell cluster/cell type level, but physical distances between cells are not preserved Almet, Axel A., et al., (2021). On the other hand, spatial data provides spatial distances between cells, but single-cell or gene resolution is potentially lost. Therefore, integrating two types of data in a proper manner can complement their strengths and limitations, from that improve CCC analysis. In this pipeline, we analyze CCC on Visium data with single-cell data as a reference. The pipeline includes 4 sub-notebooks as following 01-deconvolution: This step involves deconvolution and cell type annotation for Visium data, with cell type information obtained from a relevant single-cell dataset. The deconvolution method is SpatialDWLS which is integrated in Giotto package. 02-giotto: performs spatial based CCC and expression based CCC on Visium data using Giotto method. 03-nichenet: performs spatial based CCC and expression based CCC on Visium data using NicheNet method. 04-visualization: visualizes CCC results obtained from Giotto and NicheNet.


MUON: multimodal omics analysis framework


Advances in multi-omics have led to an explosion of multimodal datasets to address questions from basic biology to translation. While these data provide novel opportunities for discovery, they also pose management and analysis challenges, thus motiva(More)
Required GPU