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Cell-Cell communication



Identifying tumor cells at the single-cell level using machine learning - inferCNV
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Tumors are complex tissues of cancerous cells surrounded by a heterogeneous cellular microenvironment with which they interact. Single-cell sequencing enables molecular characterization of single cells within the tumor. However, cell annotation—the assignment of cell type or cell state to each sequenced cell—is a challenge, especially identifying tumor cells within single-cell or spatial sequencing experiments. Here, we propose ikarus, a machine learning pipeline aimed at distinguishing tumor cells from normal cells at the single-cell level. We test ikarus on multiple single-cell datasets, showing that it achieves high sensitivity and specificity in multiple experimental contexts. **InferCNV** is a Bayesian method, which agglomerates the expression signal of genomically adjointed genes to ascertain whether there is a gain or loss of a certain larger genomic segment. We have used **inferCNV** to call copy number variations in all samples used in the manuscript.
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Cell2location: Comprehensive mapping of tissue cell architecture via integrated single cell and spatial transcriptomic
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Cell2location is a principled Bayesian model that can resolve fine-grained cell types in spatial transcriptomic data and create comprehensive cellular maps of diverse tissues. Cell2location accounts for technical sources of variation and borrows statistical strength across locations, thereby enabling the integration of single cell and spatial transcriptomics with higher sensitivity and resolution than existing tools. This is achieved by estimating which combination of cell types in which cell abundance could have given the mRNA counts in the spatial data, while modelling technical effects (platform/technology effect, contaminating RNA, unexplained variance). This tutorial shows how to use cell2location method for spatially resolving fine-grained cell types by integrating 10X Visium data with scRNA-seq reference of cell types. Cell2location is a principled Bayesian model that estimates which combination of cell types in which cell abundance could have given the mRNA counts in the spatial data, while modelling technical effects (platform/technology effect, contaminating RNA, unexplained variance).
Required GPU
SpaCET: Cell type deconvolution and interaction analysis
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Spatial transcriptomics (ST) technology has allowed to capture of topographical gene expression profiling of tumor tissues, but single-cell resolution is potentially lost. Identifying cell identities in ST datasets from tumors or other samples remains challenging for existing cell-type deconvolution methods. Spatial Cellular Estimator for Tumors (SpaCET) is an R package for analyzing cancer ST datasets to estimate cell lineages and intercellular interactions in the tumor microenvironment. Generally, SpaCET infers the malignant cell fraction through a gene pattern dictionary, then calibrates local cell densities and determines immune and stromal cell lineage fractions using a constrained regression model. Finally, the method can reveal putative cell-cell interactions in the tumor microenvironment. In this notebook, we will illustrate an example workflow for cell type deconvolution and interaction analysis on breast cancer ST data from 10X Visium. The notebook is inspired by SpaCET's vignettes and modified to demonstrate how the tool works on BioTuring's platform.
Multimodal single-cell chromatin analysis with Signac
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The recent development of experimental methods for measuring chromatin state at single-cell resolution has created a need for computational tools capable of analyzing these datasets. Here we developed Signac, a framework for the analysis of single-cell chromatin data, as an extension of the Seurat R toolkit for single-cell multimodal analysis. **Signac** enables an end-to-end analysis of single-cell chromatin data, including peak calling, quantification, quality control, dimension reduction, clustering, integration with single-cell gene expression datasets, DNA motif analysis, and interactive visualization. Furthermore, Signac facilitates the analysis of multimodal single-cell chromatin data, including datasets that co-assay DNA accessibility with gene expression, protein abundance, and mitochondrial genotype. We demonstrate scaling of the Signac framework to datasets containing over 700,000 cells.
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Required PFP


Scanpy is a scalable toolkit for analyzing single-cell gene expression data built jointly with anndata.


SCANPY integrates the analysis possibilities of established R-based frameworks and provides them in a scalable and modular form. Specifically, SCANPY provides preprocessing comparable to SEURAT and CELL RANGER, visualization through TSNE, graph-d(More)
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