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Cell-Cell communication



SpaCET: Cell type deconvolution and interaction analysis
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Spatial transcriptomics (ST) technology has allowed to capture of topographical gene expression profiling of tumor tissues, but single-cell resolution is potentially lost. Identifying cell identities in ST datasets from tumors or other samples remains challenging for existing cell-type deconvolution methods. Spatial Cellular Estimator for Tumors (SpaCET) is an R package for analyzing cancer ST datasets to estimate cell lineages and intercellular interactions in the tumor microenvironment. Generally, SpaCET infers the malignant cell fraction through a gene pattern dictionary, then calibrates local cell densities and determines immune and stromal cell lineage fractions using a constrained regression model. Finally, the method can reveal putative cell-cell interactions in the tumor microenvironment. In this notebook, we will illustrate an example workflow for cell type deconvolution and interaction analysis on breast cancer ST data from 10X Visium. The notebook is inspired by SpaCET's vignettes and modified to demonstrate how the tool works on BioTuring's platform.
Inference and analysis of cell-cell communication using CellChat
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Understanding global communications among cells requires accurate representation of cell-cell signaling links and effective systems-level analyses of those links. We construct a database of interactions among ligands, receptors and their cofactors that accurately represent known heteromeric molecular complexes. We then develop **CellChat**, a tool that is able to quantitatively infer and analyze intercellular communication networks from single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) data. CellChat predicts major signaling inputs and outputs for cells and how those cells and signals coordinate for functions using network analysis and pattern recognition approaches. Through manifold learning and quantitative contrasts, CellChat classifies signaling pathways and delineates conserved and context-specific pathways across different datasets. Applying **CellChat** to mouse and human skin datasets shows its ability to extract complex signaling patterns.
Required GPU
Hierarchicell: estimating power for tests of differential expression with single-cell data
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Power analyses are considered important factors in designing high-quality experiments. However, such analyses remain a challenge in single-cell RNA-seq studies due to the presence of hierarchical structure within the data (Zimmerman et al., 2021). As cells sampled from the same individual share genetic and environmental backgrounds, these cells are more correlated than cells sampled from different individuals. Currently, most power analyses and hypothesis tests (e.g., differential expression) in scRNA-seq data treat cells as if they were independent, thus ignoring the intra-sample correlation, which could lead to incorrect inferences. Hierarchicell (Zimmerman, K.D. and Langefeld, C.D., 2021) is an R package proposed to estimate power for testing hypotheses of differential expression in scRNA-seq data while considering the hierarchical correlation structure that exists in the data. The method offers four important categories of functions: data loading and cleaning, empirical estimation of distributions, simulating expression data, and computing type 1 error or power. In this notebook, we will illustrate an example workflow of Hierarchicell. The notebook is inspired by Hierarchicell's vignette and modified to demonstrate how the tool works on BioTuring's platform.
infercnvpy: Scanpy plugin to infer copy number variation from single-cell transcriptomics data
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InferCNV is used to explore tumor single cell RNA-Seq data to identify evidence for somatic large-scale chromosomal copy number alterations, such as gains or deletions of entire chromosomes or large segments of chromosomes. This is done by exploring expression intensity of genes across positions of tumor genome in comparison to a set of reference 'normal' cells. A heatmap is generated illustrating the relative expression intensities across each chromosome, and it often becomes readily apparent as to which regions of the tumor genome are over-abundant or less-abundant as compared to that of normal cells. **Infercnvpy** is a scalable python library to infer copy number variation (CNV) events from single cell transcriptomics data. It is heavliy inspired by InferCNV, but plays nicely with scanpy and is much more scalable.


BioTuring Py-Monocle: Efficient performance of Pseudotime by Python


BioTuring Py-Monocle is a package tailored for computing pseudotime on large single-cell datasets. Implemented in Python and drawing inspiration from the Monocle3 package in R, our approach optimizes select steps for enhanced performance efficiency. (More)
Only CPU